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Rheumatoid Arthritis profile

5 parameters included To measure markers of inflammation in joints in the body Related to: Knee joints Fasting not required for the test Book Test

Coagulation Profile

20 parameters included To measure the bleeding, clotting times, blood counts and prothrombin time Related to: Blood Fasting not required for the test Book Test

Drugs of Abuse

9 parameters included To assess the presence of drugs in urine within 24/48 hours of consumption Related to: Brain Fasting not required for the test Book Test

Cancer Markers

4 parameters included To measure levels of indicators of cancer in early stages Related to: Cancer Fasting not required for the test Book Test

Cardiac Profile

4 parameters included These cardiac biomarkers can be used to diagnose a heart attack Related to: Heart Fasting required for the test Book Test


3 parameters included To assess levels of electrolytes such as sodium, potassium & chloride in body Related to: Kidney Fasting not required for the test Book Test

Dengue Panel

3 parameters included To check for dengue infection in body Related to: Dengue infection Fasting not required for the test Book Test

Torch IgG/IgM

4 parameters included Check for several different infections in a newborn Related to: Pregnancy Fasting not required for the test Book Test

Fever Profile

25 parameters included To check for blood counts of patients or any sign of infection Related to: Fever Fasting not required for the test Book Test


75 parameters included Complete check profile for all 50+ aged persons, with vitamins Related to: Full Body check Fasting required for the test Book Test

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